180HP C-172

Today I took up Rick Aviation's 180HP Cessna 172.

Did a practice IFR approach into FYJ (without the hood since I was solo) and returned for a landing back at PHF. A short flight just to knock any rust off, but at least I was better on the radio this flight.

The airplane was pretty nice. It had a new paint job over 90% of it and a new prop/spinner/etc. I could tell some difference with the slightly larger engine - more right rudder needed at times.

I got to see some of the F-22s shooting approaches into Langley AFB. Very cool. I almost wrecked on the highway when I heard a pair of them screaming overhead - I had to crane my around head to look for them.

There was a lot of activity at PHF today as well. Plenty of passenger jets (maybe 1 jet t/o or landing per 5-7 minutes). One jet that was ready to takeoff had to wait on me when I was close final. I tried to come in a little faster/higher to get out of the way sooner.

My GPS battery died mid-flight so no good GPS track today. :)


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