Shooting an ILS approach with Microsoft Flight Sim

I thought I'd write up this quick tutorial on shooting an ILS approach with MS Flight Sim for 2 reasons: 1) as an exercise for myself to make sure these procedures are solidly still in my head, and 2) because I have seen that there is some interest in it from readers.

Disclaimer: I am no instructor, so take all this with a critical eye. If I say anything flat out wrong in here, please let me know, but I won't pretend to make this a complete tutorial - some stuff will be left out. :) For this flight, we will ignore ATC completely (which is obvious a terribly bad idea in real life or multiplayer sim games).

Before reading my write-up, I'd recommend you take a look at this post from a real-life flight instructor to gain some context.

Here's my tutorial (in 1.5MB PDF form).


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