One of the final items to add to this instrument build (besides the text covers for the lower LEDs) was the sun shade for the AR LED box. I made this out of thin aluminum sheets , cutting it from a template using some metal sheers . My template was created by tracing some of the actual artwork from the DCS sim, and then scaling it to the proper size. It turned out ok, not perfect but pretty good. Primed and painted it and then installed it using 2 of the 4 holes that were already on the LED box 3D print. I used some heat inserts in those holes to give the screws something to bite, but the holes are really too big for my inserts so had to use some glue to help out.
After changing from the Avidyne system to the Cirrus Perspective (G1000) system, I had to relearn an important part of owning an airplane: how to update all the data the systems use. There's even more data in the Perspective, including AOPA directory data and more charts. In this walkthrough, I make use of the Jeppesen app for Apple OS X: JDM . It has worked well for me, though I did need to call Jeppesen when I first set this up to get my subscriptions fixed up. They gave great customer support when I did. The process starts (optionally) by hooking up a ground power unit (GPU). In the case of the Cirrus, you can certainly do this without it, but I tend to hook it up just to be sure. The systems draw about 8-10amps while updating, but you won't generally have the power on for long. One tip I've read: power up the GPU before plugging it into the plane, at least for the one I bought. That saves the plane from seeing any power spikes that might hav...
Components: Arduino Nano , no headers attached EasyDriver board to run stepper motor 2x 12V power circuits (for LEDs and motor power) - used computer power supply with ATX breakout board IR sensor X27 168 Stepper Motor 3 green LEDs with built-in resistor 3 LEDs for the Ready/Latch/Disconnect box (and resistors if not built in) 3D printed parts from The Warthog Project Wiring 3 green LEDs , in parallel -> power and ground to one 12V circuit Arduino Nano (10 connections, plus USB) D11 to IR Sensor "OUT" D3 to EasyDriver DIR D2 to EasyDriver STEP GND to IR sensor GND GND to EasyDriver control GND (by STEP) 5V PWR to IR Sensor VCC D6 , D7 , D8 and ICSP GND (from the 6-pin cluster) routed out of box to later power the 3 LEDs below this compass unit ("ready", "latch", "disconnect") IR Sensor (3 connections) VCC to Nano 5V GND to Nano GND OUT to Nano D9 Stepper Motor (open it to remove tiny plastic stop tab, for 360 motion - 4 connections) Coil 1/A...