A-10C Standby Compass - Hardware Wiring


  1. Arduino Nano, no headers attached
  2. EasyDriver board to run stepper motor
  3. 2x 12V power circuits (for LEDs and motor power) - used computer power supply with ATX breakout board
  4. IR sensor
  5. X27 168 Stepper Motor
  6. 3 green LEDs with built-in resistor
  7. 3 LEDs for the Ready/Latch/Disconnect box (and resistors if not built in)
  8. 3D printed parts from The Warthog Project

  • 3 green LEDs, in parallel -> power and ground to one 12V circuit
  • Arduino Nano (10 connections, plus USB)
    • D11 to IR Sensor "OUT"
    • D3 to EasyDriver DIR
    • D2 to EasyDriver STEP
    • GND to IR sensor GND
    • GND to EasyDriver control GND (by STEP)
    • 5V PWR to IR Sensor VCC
    • D6, D7, D8 and ICSP GND (from the 6-pin cluster) routed out of box to later power the 3 LEDs below this compass unit ("ready", "latch", "disconnect")
  • IR Sensor (3 connections)
    • VCC to Nano 5V
    • GND to Nano GND
    • OUT to Nano D9
  • Stepper Motor (open it to remove tiny plastic stop tab, for 360 motion - 4 connections)
    • Coil 1/A wires to EasyDriver A+ and A-
    • Coil 2/B wires to EasyDriver B+ and B-
      • No polarity on coils but if things run backwards you can fix in the Arduino code
  • EasyDriver (9 connections)
    • M+ PWR In to second 12V power circuit
    • GND beside M+ to ground on second 12v power
    • MOTOR section (4 pins):
      • A pair to one coil on Stepper
      • B pair to the other coil
    • STEP section
      • GND to Nano GND
      • STEP to Nano D2
      • DIR to Nano D3


George Morgan said…
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James Bailey said…
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