Ground Power Unit

I recently bought a small GPU from Sporty's so I could do database updates and avionics exploration on the ground without concern over draining the batteries in the SR22.

I went with this one rated for 35 Amps max.   So far I haven't seen the plane draw more than 10 amps, so 35 looks to be plenty.  It seems well built and was easy to use.

Here's how I use it:

  1. Hook up wires on GPU and power it up
  2. Remove GPU cover on airplane (quarter turn screw)
  3. Plug GPU into airplane
  4. Turn on Batt 1 switch
  5. Verify that GPU indicates reasonable amperage draw (7-10 amps in this case)
  6. Turn on Avionics switch if required
Then when its time to turn everything off, reverse the order.


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