Flight to Williamsburg

We took a long weekend to visit my co-workers and our friends up in Williamsburg. My flying buddy John not only loaned us a vehicle for the weekend, but also room & board!

We fought a slight headwind heading up to VA, but like the typical October weather in the south east the skies were gorgeous and clear. We brought along our younger son Grady for this trip, equipped with orange ear plugs for noise reduction.

For my ears I tried out a brand new Lightspeed Zulu headset. At first I thought it was going to be uncomfortable after the 1.7 hours of flying, but it turned out not to be. They are not as easy on the head as the Bose X's are, but they reduce the noise levels a good bit better. The bluetooth audio input was also handy when the XM radio stopped working on the return flight (my airplane partner had to give XM a series of frustrating phone calls to get that sorted out).

The only other hit I have against the Zulu's is that they are wider than the Bose (which is part of why they are quieter). That was only a problem when I wanted the sunshield to my left to block the morning sun on the return flight. It was pretty much impossible with the Zulus because they kept tapping the shield and buzzing from the vibration. Granted, the smaller Bose have similar issues just not quite as bad.

Grady did terrific on the flight. Here's a shot at cruise when Mommy let him sit up front for a spell:
We landed at KJGG with a decently gusty wind, so I brought us in with an extra bit of airspeed. We parked near John's hangar and had to enlist the help of Bill from the FBO to find longer ropes for the tie downs (the wing tie downs are the Cirrus are fairly close to the fuselage).

We had a great time in Williamsburg. It was great to see our friends again and to visit some of our old haunts from our previous 7 years living there. All too soon it was time to go home again, but we were getting homesick to see Evan again so we weren't upset to leave.

Here's Grady helping Mommy and Daddy with the preflight for the return trip:

The flight back was very straight forward. Perfect flying weather and the CLT controller even let me cut the corner on his airspace to save a minute or two.


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