Ferry flight to KPVG

We took the airplane (35388) down to PVG tonight to drop it off at Bay Avionics. The fine folks there will take a look at the glideslope problem we've had as well as test comm 2 and the ADF.

I tested the ADF on the way to PVG and felt it was still acting up, unless I was using it in the wrong mode. Since it didn't behave in any of the modes (ANT? BFO?) I figure it is in a bad way.

Jim gave John and I a ride back in his lovely Cirrus SR22. He was kind enough to let me fly it up the the threshold where I, a lowly C172 guy flying from the right seat, asked him to land it for me.

That airplane flies like a dream. I trimmed it up with the hat on the stick and it stayed right where I wanted it in the smooth air. The roll trim was handy.

John was jokingly remarking that we were going too slow for his tastes so Jim put in all the power - we went from something like 14 GPH of fuel flow to 30 or so. I started trimming nose down to keep us level and once I had it stabilized again we were pushing 175 knots indicated at 2000. Pretty cool.

Jim also let me try out his Lightspeed and Bose headsets as I am looking to get a new, noise canceling set. I liked the Bose way better. When I put them on the entire world got MUCH quieter. And they felt nice on my head too. I want to try the new David Clark's before deciding what to buy though.

When we were back at JGG we noticed a SATS Air Cirrus on the ground. Someone had just flown in, chartered, from Anderson, SC.


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