Some IFR flight plan time

Today was 1.4 hours of IFR flight plan flying.

The weather was clear but I wanted to practice "working in the system" with ATC so I filed an IFR flight plan, used the GCO (Ground Communication Outlet) at JGG to get my clearance and headed out for a touch and go at Richmond.

The GCO is pretty handy. Since JGG is too far away from any big airports to use the normal radio frequencies to get a clearance the airport provides a phone line that you can access through the radio. You tune in the GCO freq, key the mic 4 times slowly, and then you hear a phone dialing. After a ring or two Norfolk ATC will pick up the line and you can get your clearance from them over the radio.

It was another hot flight. In fact, at one point ATC asked if I wanted to climb, even though I was close to starting my next approach. I had to think about it for a second (the cooler air up higher was inviting) but declined since I'd just end up descending soon anyway. On the way to RIC we were at 4000' for a few minutes - the air was fairly nice (maybe 68-70 degrees).

We did an ILS 2 at Richmond and then the VOR approach back into JGG. Here's the track we made (thanks to

Krista was along and filmed the ILS approach into RIC:


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