A short field over a short lunch

A little lunchtime jaunt out to the airport was on order today. I had planned to play the IFR card and file a short trip to Richmond in order to get a little "time in the system". Instead, we decided to play the simpler hand - a VFR hop a few counties north. The winds were calm, the sun was out, and the skies were relatively unoccupied.

Another goal for today was to try out the new video camera (a Panasonic PV-GS500). While I pre-flighted 738KR Krista had a little fun filming some other folks performing take-offs and landings.

Soon we were taking off and heading NE. We made a straight-in landing at Hummel since it was deserted at the time. A quick taxi-back to runway 01 got us in position for our short-field takeoff (not that it was truly needed).

We headed straight down to JGG and set back down on runway 31. I made a rather high approach that had to be corrected with 40 degrees of flaps (I rarely use more than 30). An uneventful and fun flight complete!

Here are some full-sized clips from our flight today:


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