Another first-time passenger

Today I had the pleasure of taking my friend Maciek and his Mom up in a Cessna 172. This was his Mom's first time in a small airplane.

She is from Germany and doesn't speak English so Maciek had to translate my passenger briefing for me.

She enjoyed the flight, though she started feeling a little sick about 45 minutes into the flight. It was a little warm out and we manged to catch a few thermals around 3000 feet so I think those factors played their part. Plus she was in the back seat where motion sickness tends to be worse, at least in my experience. I've never had anyone feel sick in the front - only the back.

When she started feeling bad we were, thankfully, very close to the airport so a quick radio call to the tower had us going down for a straight in approach to runway 20 in no time.

The approach was interesting as we had a gusty medium-speed crosswind that changed from a headwind to a tailwind and back a few times. The landing turned out to be just fine though I carried more speed down to the runway than I wanted to. We just had to bleed it off with a longer flare down the runway.


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