IFR flight #19 - intersection hold with no gyros or VOR

Charles and I spent 1.4 hours today flying out of JGG to the ILS 7 at NN, the VOR-A @ FYJ and the VOR-B at JGG. After the ILS approach, we went partial panel (covered up the 2 gyro instruments) and did the approach at West Point. We planned to do a touch-and-go at West Point but since there were parachutists there we went off to the east for a steep turn to the right and left (both went well).

On the approach to JGG Charles had me hold at the HIGAL intersection, partial panel, only using VOR1. This was the first time I had tried that before and it went relatively well.

Things I can improve on from today:

  • Holding altitude in cruise - especially during power changes

  • I forgot to start the timer when passing the HIGAL intersection to JGG


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