IFR flight #14 - second time in the system

Charles and I got in 1.9 hours today shooting a couple of approaches at the Dinwiddie Co. airport in Petersburg, VA. We first shot the VOR-23 approach and then did an early "missed" to avoid some VFR traffic. From there we asked the controller for vectors to the LOC-5 approach, but it appeared he took us in the wrong direction (NE) for a bit. Charles mentioned to the controller that it appeared we were going in the wrong direction and at the point we starting getting some good vectors. We shot the localizer 5 and did a circle to land for 23, left hand traffic. I was surprised at how natural the LOC approach felt, since I had never actually done one. I have done all the parts of it before, but never together. I all fit together just fine in my head. I was amazed at how busy KPTB was considering it was 10AM on a Friday. There was a decent bit of traffic for a field with no tower.

Since we ran out of time we did not get to shoot the VOR-A into W96. We just headed back to JGG and practiced some partial panel work.


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